This week in Nursery we have thought about different countries around the world and the people who live there. We looked at cold places and hot places and looked for different countries on the world map.
The children enjoyed learning several different dances; Flamenco, Bhangra, Irish, African and Hula dancing from Hawaii, just like Moana!
We thought about different foods from around the world and the children talked about their favourite food and the food they eat at home. We learned that some foods eaten in the UK originate in different countries and the children enjoyed tasting pain aux chocolate from France! Yummy! The Cat Cafe was also selling foods from around the world!
In Maths the children learned that people use patterns to decorate buildings, fabric and objects all over the world. They explored repeating patterns using paint, beads and pegs. The children enjoyed playing a subitising game and they were able to show the numbers on their fingers. In the story My Granny went to Market by Stella Blackstone the children counted the items Granny bought.
In Phonics the children have learned the sound ‘sh’. They have continued with the daily Little Wandle activities and have played several oral blending games and listened for initial sounds in words.
The children enjoyed listening to Handa’s Surprise by Eileen Browne and tried hard to balance a basket of fruit on their heads, just like Handa! They also enjoyed doing some pencil control activities and colouring based on the story.
Other activities have included learning to say ‘hello’ in different languages and clapping the syllables in the words. We then used some African drums to tap the syllables.