This week the children have listened to a variety of stories about princes, princesses, knights, dragons, and mixed up fairy tales! They enjoyed talking about the pictures in the ‘You Choose’ fairy tale book and we made up our own fairy tales.
In Science the children explored different materials and decided which would be best for the dragon’s nests, so that the eggs would hatch. They loved hunting for the baby dragons that had hatched!
The children had fun dressing up as princesses, princes and elves and loved decorating the tree in our Christmas house! They enjoyed playing with the castles too, making up their own royal adventures.
The children looked at portraits of queens and kings and talked about the kinds of clothes they were wearing.
In Maths the children created their own crowns by printing repeating patterns, (which we will wear for our Christmas party next week). They explored repeating patterns further when making necklaces using beads.
Using the Little Wandle phonics scheme the children learned the sound ‘i’ and played lots of of games to develop their phonemic awareness and oral blending. We played ‘Silly Soup’ with rhyming words, where the magic would only work if the words rhymed!
On Thursday, the children did a fantastic performance of their Christmas Concert. They have worked so hard over the last few weeks, learning all the words to the songs!
Other activities have included very sparkly Christmas cards and gingerbread men calendars, elf on the shelf, a new dance called ‘Christmas Chikka Boom’, Christmas Jumper Day, doing prince and princess writing with feather quills and our very own giant Christmas pudding advent calendar!