This week we have done a mini project on ‘Shadows and Reflections’. The children enjoyed dressing up and looking at their reflections.
Outside we explored our shadows and made different shapes with our bodies and also with our hands.
We investigated shiny and dull materials and had fun looking into some curved mirrors which changed our reflections and made our faces look funny!
In maths we have continued with our daily counting forwards and backwards with Counting Colin the Cockatoo!
We did some mirror maths where we had to listen carefully to instructions and copy what our partner had done using 2D shapes. Other activities have included creating pictures using 2D shapes and building with 3D shapes.
In phonics we learned the new sound ‘ch’ and played our daily ‘Little Wandle’ games of listening for initial sounds in words and practising our oral blending skills.
We have learned a new dance with Oti on ‘Boogie Beebies’ called ‘Shine like the Sun’ and a new song about shadows. We have also done some investigating with ‘Kit and Pup’, thinking about mirrors.
In PE the children are practising their races ready for Sports Day!
What a busy week!