This week we have been thinking about our bed time routines. The children have learned that while they are in bed, fast asleep, some people are busy working through the night. The children have enjoyed dressing up as police officers, doctors, nurses, road and rail workers and firefighters.
We thought about the importance of brushing our teeth and not eating too many sugary foods.
In Maths we explored different boxes to make the right sized bed for the sleepy teddies. Mrs Lindsay told us the story of ‘The Bath Time Ducks’ and we thought about positional language. We did lots of counting too!
The children listened to ‘Peace at Last’ and we made all the different noises that stopped poor Mr Bear from sleeping!
We played a game where we had sock ‘teddies’ filled with different things and had to guess what was inside. The children had to decide which material would be best to make a teddy’s stuffing! Hopefully not stones, sticks and buttons!