After a few years away, our Year 5s were able to return to Tudor World this week. The children were taken back in time to a place full of gruesome and bizarre crimes and punishments.

The children watched as ‘real’ Tudor folk showed them all the different ways people back then would get punished. Some unfortunate pupils were put to trial and found guilty of treason and had to kneel before the beheading block!

Next, they experienced the horrible conditions peasant soldiers would endure if they were captured during battle.

To finish off the morning, they went around the museum and found out about what life was really like during the Tudor period. The tragedy of the Black Death, children’s life on board a Naval boat and what clothes the royalty would wear.

After lunch, we had a walking tour all around Stratford, visiting all the places William Shakespeare attended when he was younger. His place of birth, school and even the place of the house he bought with all his money after returning from London as a famous playwright.