Week beginning 13.3.23

This week has been quite 'bean' heavy! The children enjoyed reading and discussing 'Jasper's Beanstalk' and conducting a 'bean experiment' (more to come!)  They also loved developing their gross motor skills during the 'bean game'. 
On Monday, they explored Giuseppe Acrimboldo's famous fruit related art and created their own fruit art, though more observational. We talked about the parts of a plant and used our potted herbs to look carefully at the roots. The children also decided that a plant needed water and light to grow so we planted some beans to test this theory.
The story, 'Handa's Surprise' was a text we read later in the week and we discussed what a 'surprise' is and the children explored examining some of items in Handa's basket. They also examined some unusual looking fruit and vegetables and discussed the question, 'are all carrots orange?'
Finally on Friday, we began our new RE focus, which examines why the world is important to us and to certain religions. This included going on a welly walk!
The children have enjoyed their dance sessions in PE and in maths the focus has been composition. We have looked at doubles and how amounts can be part of a whole.
In Phonics, we have been reading words with two or more digraphs and within provision, the children have been completing many 'Supertato' related challenges, enjoying the mud kitchen- growing things just like Jasper and investigating which 3d shapes stack or slide. Amongst lots and lots more!