This week we have been focusing on new digraphs in Phonics. These have included, ‘ar’, ‘or’ and ‘ur’. In maths, we have been singing ‘5 Little Aliens’ as part of our composition lessons, using dice frames as we do. In music with Mr Withers, we have been using the percussion instruments alongside singing, thinking carefully about the rhythm and beat and during PE with Mr Burgess, we have continued to enjoy both the Real PE sessions and gymnastics.
As part of ‘Long Ago’, we have been exploring antiques and making comparisons between modern objects and objects from the past. We were lucky to have Miss Appleton visit with her new baby, which enabled us to ask lots of questions- including’ how do you make a baby happy?’ and ‘how much sleep does a baby need?’ In RE, we have been exploring Bible stories and are beginning to understand why it is a holy book for Christians. We have looked at the story, ‘The calming of the storm’ and have been thinking of ways to describe Jesus. We also talked about people who help us.
As Wednesday was ‘National Winnie the Pooh Day’, we have enjoyed lots of ‘Pooh’ themed activities in free flow, including sharing honey sandwiches (whilst thinking about the shapes in which we cut our bread), exploring the Pooh themed investigation station, pinning the tail on Eeyore and much much more!
Texts of the week have included: ‘Finding Winnie’ and ‘Winnie the Pooh: Surprise!’