This week Reception have been learning about Chinese New Year- the year of the rabbit. In provision they have been exploring special objects, performing Lion dances and using mud in the mud kitchen to write the Chinese number symbols. They have been building ‘The Great Wall of China’ and investigating money by using traditional red envelopes, using the stem sentences, ‘__________ has more coins than ________’ and _________ has fewer coins than ___________’. They have also been working on their turn taking skills by sharing the toys (especially the babies!)
As part of our ‘Long Ago’ topic, the children have enjoyed listening to ‘Rosie’s Hat’ by Julia Donaldson and talking about how Rosie changes throughout the story. They have been thinking and writing about how they have changed since they were babies and sharing their baby pictures with their friends. They enjoyed the story ‘Peepo’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg and thought carefully about how life for a baby might have been different long ago.
In RE, the children enjoyed listening to the story of David and Goliath. We talked about how David put his faith in God and other acts of bravery.
‘Comparison’ has been the focus in maths this week and in phonics the children have been learning ‘oi’, ‘ear’ and having been reviewing recently learnt digraphs and trigraphs.
Some of the pictures have been taken by the children.