Week beginning 30.1.23

This week the children have enjoyed bringing in their favourite stories to share as part of 'National Storytelling Week'.  We have talked about what makes a good storyteller and what a good audience looks like. They particularly enjoyed Michael Rosen perform 'Chocolate Cake'.

In phonics the children have been learning the sounds: 'air' and 'er' and have been introduced to double letters. In maths the focus has been cardinal and ordinal counting.
The key texts this week have been 'The Big Alfie and Annie Rose Storybook' by Shirley Hughes, 'The doorbell rang' by Pat Hutchins and 'Coming to England' by Floella Benjamin. The children have been talking about what meal times look like in their home and their favourite foods to eat- including labelling their foods on a plate. In RE, the focus is still on Christianity texts, this week exploring what a 'promise' is and using 'The Two Sons' story to do so.

In provision, the children have enjoyed moulding and cutting cookies in the malleable area- including sharing them between plates and counting how many each child can have. They have enjoyed a game of tricky word Tiddlywinks, playing with the castle and knights and exploring the Grandparent themed books. Outside, they have been rolling hoops and counting how many seconds they can hula for. Outside they have also enjoyed the role play on the market stall, buying, weighing and serving customers. Chinese New year activities also continue as the children have enjoyed making lanterns to decorate the house and on the investigation table, they have enjoyed looking at pictures of Trinidad, which is linked to our text.

The children were tasked the challenge of finding objects which weighed more than 5 shells. On Wednesday Reception went on a welly walk around school grounds, competing to create hedgehogs and squirrel houses out of natural resources. SR have been learning the Makaton signs for carrot, apple, banana and pear- our snack time treats! Next week, the children will teach their friends in CR.