What an exciting week! On Monday the children had a visit from our local firefighters who brought with them their fire-engine and let us have a look. Reception enjoyed asking them lots of questions (see previous blog). The children also enjoyed performing to the Nursery children and other KS1 classes as part of their dress rehearsal. Grown-ups, you are in for a treat next week!
This week Reception have been learning about ‘puppets’, making them (with socks and shadows), examining puppets from the past and using lots of puppets to tell stories. In maths, they have been doing lots of counting and matching an equal number of objects or sounds to an amount. In RE, the children have been learning about The Christingle and what it means for Christians.
Finally, in the provision, some of the things that the children have enjoyed have been: they have continued to design and make robots; created Stampoline pictures, traced graphemes and enjoyed using the puppets to perform. They have also made our own sock puppets (and used them); written letters to Santa, decorated snowmen and made elf headbands. In the book corner, as well as exploring books, the children have been making their own and have continued to program the Bee-bots.
Outside, the children enjoyed hunting for graphemes in the sand and helping our head elf (Mrs Emslie) build and load Santa’s sleigh (counting presents and checking nametags along the way!)