This week we focussed on longer words such as carpet, chicken, bedroom and many more. The tricky words were are, sure, pure, into, she, he, we, me, be and of. In maths we compared quantities and focussed on numbers to 8 and where other numbers are in relation to each other. In other areas we listened to different types of music and dances such as the waltz, tango and rock and roll, we read Major Glad and Major Dizzy and read a letter from the toys. The children explained similarities and differences between objects from the past and objects now. We read a selection of stories linked to royalty and explored some of the Kings and Queens we have had rule. In RE we listened to the story of Zacchaeus and thought about what we could learn from the story. We also covered some quick stories around sharing, being kind and why we follow rules. Lastly, today we celebrated Chinese New Year with crackers, noodles, Chinese numbers and lantern making!