Another busy and enjoyable week for Reception. We had lots of fun in the snow!
On Wednesday it was 'World Maths Day' and the children enjoyed exploring the book, 'How many jellybeans'. This inspired the provision activity in which the children had to choose their favourite 5 or 10 flavours.
The week began with the story, 'The Gigantic Turnip' and the children used their retrieval and inference skills to talk about the text. They also explored 'root vegetables' which then were also used to create repeating print patterns in provision. We talked about where food comes from and sorted food based on whether they originated from 'plant or animal' and spent much of the week talking about farms and learning farm related nursery rhymes.
Our phonics focus this week has been reviewing the sounds 'er and air' and revisiting double letters and longer words. During maths, we have been exploring composition of number (6 and 7) and revisiting subitising.
In provision the children have enjoyed exploring the water wall, investigating which 3d shapes roll, using their senses in the 'Investigation area' and making repeating patterns using fruit and vegetables. Outside, they have played a game of phonics bingo, took turns using the train set and played with the farm animals and turnip within the small world area. Amongst lots and lots more!
Thank you to everyone who attended parents' evening, if you were unable to make your appointment please do come and make a new one.