This week we have read ‘The Elves and the Shoemaker’ and had a go at cleaning, measuring and even sewing our own shoes!
We have enjoyed looking at old registers and photographs from many years ago and comparing them to how we do things today.
In RE we have started to explore special objects and books and we thought about what makes them special to us.
Our phonemes have been ‘oa, oo (moon) and oo (book) as well as lots of tricky words! We enjoyed using our phonics knowledge to complete some word reading challenges and spot the new graphemes in our books.
It has been a busy week so we logged something from each day in a diary. Lots of children chose to write about our PE focus which is enhancing our thinking and listening skills (cognition).
Our Maths focus was composition (of 5) which had the children explaining different ways of making 5 using their fingers and songs (5 little speckled frogs).
Children have been exploring floating and sinking in the mud kitchen and grouping these objects. They also discovered that the pots and pans make different sounds that reminded them of some percussion instruments.
We have been singing nursery rhymes and learning about their history. The children enjoyed singing ‘London bridge is falling down’ and discussing the properties of a strong bridge (linking back to our Build it up’ topic).